Sunday, 8 January 2012


Garry's Mod for Half-Life 2 lets you take complete advantage of the physics system by giving you tools to sculpt the world objects as you see fit. Put characters in awkward poses, create your own wheeled vehicles, or even attach objects to flying scanners.
Version 9.0.4 adds a myriad of features and fixes, including new LUA scripts, weapons from Counter-Strike, NPC kill notifications, and improved spawn and weapons menus.

Garry's Mod for Half-Life 2 lets you take complete advantage of the physics system by giving you tools to sculpt the world objects as you see fit. Put characters in awkward poses, create your own wheeled vehicles, or even attach objects to flying scanners.
Version 9.0.4 adds a myriad of features and fixes, including new LUA scripts, weapons from Counter-Strike, NPC kill notifications, and improved spawn and weapons menus.

The roll out of Steam for Mac earlier this month was made all the sweeter because Valve decided to make Portal free to download for a couple of weeks. With that promotion over Mac gamers have another game to start enjoying.
Today, May 26, will see the release of Half-Life 2 on Steam for Max OS X. The game has been available to PC gamers since 2004, but this is the first time a Mac-compatible version has been released, and it’s sure to be popular. Valve have confirmed Episode I and Episode II will be available as well.
This re-release comes just two months after the death of actor Robert Culp, the voice of Half-Life 2‘s Dr. Wallace Breen and your nemesis in the game.


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